EP 410- Chess improvement, Chess Business, and AI coaching with GM Avetik Grigoryan of Chessmood.com

GM Avetik Grigoryan is the founder and lead trainer of the education chess website Chessmood.com. I last interviewed Avetik in 2020, and his company has seen explosive growth since then. We discussed what Avetik has learned about growing a chess start-up, but also what he has learned about the challenges adults face in trying to improve at chess. Whereas previously Avetik thought the biggest obstacle was that people set unrealistic goals, now he sees a few bigger issues. We also talked about how artificial intelligence will impact chess improvement in the future and some of the tools Chessmood is working on to make improvement easier. As always, timestamps of topics discussed are below. 

Click here to Download the Episode

Thanks to our sponsors, Chessable.com.Their new courses include  Chessable- Gukesh’s Masterful Moves.If you sign up for Chessable Pro, please use the following link to help support Perpetual Chess:


To sign up for a free month of Chessmood, use the following link:


2:00- Avetik’s World Championship Thoughts 

Mentioned: GM Kevin Goh Wei Ming 

5:30- Chess Improvement: Why did Avetik write that “Chess improvement has never been so easy, but never been so hard?” 

Mentioned: NM Robert Ramirez 

Avetik’s post regarding “Study, Practice, Fix” is here:


24:00- Avetik discusses the AI-enabled chess study tools that Chessmood is launching soon

41:00- What is it like to run a chess startup like Chessmood?

45:00- Avetik’s (non-chess) book recommendations:

Mentioned: Beyond Positive Thinking

The Third Door

A New Earth

51:30- What did Avetik observe about my play from reviewing my games? 

Mentioned: Chess for Life 

Thanks to Avetik, for joining me! 

To sign up for a free month of Chessmood, use the following link:


53:00- If you would like to help support Perpetual Chess via Patreon, you can do so here:


EP 409- GM Fidel Corrales Jimenez: A Tireless Tournament Circuit Grinder on Overcoming Setbacks, Managing Energy, the Risks of OTB Cheating & His Love for the Scotch Opening 

This week’s guest, GM Fidel Corrales Jimenez, is an accomplished trainer, player, Chessable author and one of the busiest players on the US tournament circuit. As such a frequent competitor, Fidel has had more than his share of successes (including winning the 2023 World Open!) but I have nonetheless often wondered how he finds the time and energy to consistently play at a high level so frequently. Hearing Fidel’s fascinating life story helped me untangle the mystery. Fidel and I covered a ton of topics, including: 

  • Why he quit his job as a computer programmer in 2023 to work full time in chess

  • His long and winding path from Cuba to the United States 

  • Attending Webster University with GM Wesley So, IM Eric Rosen and others 

  • The most common mistakes made by his amateur students 

  • How much he worries about OTB cheating as a frequent competitor for the top prizes

  • His deep love for the Scotch Opening 

This nearly 90-minute conversation flew by, and I am confident that you will enjoy it, as I did. Timestamps for topics discussed are below. 

Click here to Download the Episode

Thanks to our sponsors, Chessable.com. 

If you sign up for Chessable Pro, please use the following link to help support Perpetual Chess:


Thanksgiving Chessmood giveaway! To access a free one-month membership (starting November 20)  to Chessmood.com and check out their 500+ hours of GM lessons- just click this link:


0:02- Fidel has a family and a busy work schedule,  but he manages to play OTB quite frequently. How does he manage? 

Mentioned: IM Eric Rosen 

10:00- Fidel tells the story of how he first got a Visa in the US. 

Mentioned: GM Susan Polgar 

16:00- Why did Fidel quit his programming job in 2023 to focus on chess? 

27:00- Advice for getting over a tough loss. 

30:00- As someone competing for top prizes, how worried is Fidel about OTB cheating? What about online cheating? 

37:00- What are the biggest challenges Fidel sees in his under 1800 students?

40:00- Recommended chess books

Mentioned: Can You Be a Positional Chess Genius? , Magnus Carlsen: Endgame Virtuoso, Improve Your Chess Calculation by GM Ramesh

50:00- Has Fidel ever played with the Cuban legend, GM Leiner Dominguez?

52:00- How did Fidel and his sister, WIM Zenia Corrales Jimenez, get into chess? 

Mentioned: IM Joaquin Carlos Diaz 

1:05:00- Fidel discusses his time at Webster University with stars like GM Wesley So, Ray Robson and Le Quang Liem. 

1:10:00- What was it like to play GM Judit Polgar in the World Cup?

1:13:00- We discuss Fidel’s experience with the Scotch Opening

Mentioned: Mayhem in the Scotch: https://www.chessable.com/mayhem-in-the-scotch/course/259795/

If you would like to help support Perpetual Chess via Patreon, you can do so here:


EP 408- FIDE World Championship Mega Preview- Talking Ding Liren with GM Davorin Kuljasevic, Gukesh with IM Cyrus Lakdawala and Match Statistics with NM Matt Jensen 

It is World Championship season again! The FIDE World championship takes place from November 25 to December 13, in Singapore. As you probably know, GM Ding Liren will be defending his title against 18 year old wunderkind, GM Gukesh D. This is a unique matchup which features a fast-rising top 5 challenger, and a slumping World Champion who has fallen out of the top 20. Joining me to discuss it are three separate guests in the following order:

  • Top trainer, author, and Ding Liren biographer, GM Davorin Kuljasevic shares his match thoughts. How does Ding’s recent play differ from that of “peak Ding?”  

  • Author of From Boy to Man to Challenger: The Fiercest Battles of Gukesh D ,  IM Cyrus Lakdawala on why he thinks Gukesh has a chance to be an all-time great. 

  • Statistician, and co-founder of Chessgoals.com, NM Matt Jensen on the betting markets, the likelihood of a tiebreak, and one key statistical factor that favors Gukesh. 

Chatting about the World Championship always gets me excited for the match, and this year is no exception. Timestamps for guests and topics discussed is below. 

Click here to Download the Episode

Thanks to our sponsors, Chessable.com. 

If you sign up for Chessable Pro, please use the following link to help support Perpetual Chess:


0:00- Intro- Intro and Match facts 

0:06- GM Davorin Kuljasevic joins to discuss GM Ding Liren, as well as his general thoughts on the match. 

0:12- What openings might we expect? Which seconds might he be working with? 

Mentioned: GM Eugene Perelshteyn’s Tweet:


World Championship bettings odds here:


23:00- Thanks to GM Kuljasevic for joining me, you can get his book on GM Ding Liren here

25:00- IM Cyrus Lakdawala joins to discuss GM D Gukesh

Mentioned: From Boy to Man to Challenger: The Fiercest Battles of Gukesh D 

35:00- Cyrus’ match predictions

39:00- Gukesh opening predictions

49:00- Cyrus’ upcoming projects 

51:00- Statistician and NM Matt Jensen of Chessgoals.com joins to give a statistical preview to the match.

58:00- What is the expected draw rate for this match? What are the odds of a tiebreak? 

1:08:00- What is new with Matt’s website Chessgoals?

Check out the Chcessgoals ourses here, Use the code Ben2024 to save 30%: 


Check out their podcast  “No Pawn Intended” on the Chessgoals YouTube Channel:


If you would like to help support Perpetual Chess via Patreon, you can do so here:


EP 407- News and the Nimzo with GM Ben Finegold- Recent cheating Controversies, The US Championships, Favorite Openings, & Chess Gambling Stories 

GM Ben Finegold is back to share his thoughts on all of the recent crazy chess news. The popular commentator, YouTuber, and Chessable author and I discuss the controversies and highlights of the US Championships, as well as the most recent cheating accusations leveled by GM Vladimir Kramnik. Do these accusations have more merit than other recent ones? We also discuss OTB cheating, as Ben draws some comparisions to cheating episodes in the game of Bridge. Lastly, we discuss why the Nimzo-Indian is a favorite opening of Ben’s and Ben shares a few of his favorite stories related to chess and gambling. As always, timestamps of topics discussed are below. 

Click here to Download the Episode

Thanks to our sponsors, Chessable.com. 

Check out Ben’s course, Starting Out: Nimzo-Indian.  If you sign up for Chessable Pro, please use the following link to help support Perpetual Chess:



GMs Daniel Naroditsky and Vladimir Kramnik on the Levitov channel 


Danya on C-Squared 


19:00- The Shevchenko story and OTB cheating. 

23:00- How does cheating in bridge compare to chess? Is it easier to improve at bridge than chess? 

27:00- Patreon mailbag question: “What is worse, OTB cheating or the fear of OTB cheating?”

30:45- We discuss the GM Christopher Yoo story and the stress of OTB chess. 

39:00- Ben discusses the Nimzo-Indian and other favorite openings from childhood

Mentioned: Starting out: The Nimzo Indian


Tal-Botvinnik 1960 

47:00- Patreon mailbag question: “How can you acquire skills rather than knowledge from watching videos?” 

49:00- Ben shares a few stories about gambling on blitz and bullet chess. 

Mentioned: GM Kirill Georgiev 

58:00- Ben’s World Championship thoughts 

If you would like to help support Perpetual Chess via Patreon, you can do so here:


EP 406- Peter Doggers on The Chess Revolution: A Big Picture Look at Cheating, Engines and the Explosion of Online Chess 

Peter Doggers is an award-winning chess journalist who is currently the director of News and Events at Chess.com. His role has given him a ringside seat to modern chess history, as he has attended many of the world’s top events, and interviewed the likes of GM Garry Kasparov, Hikaru Nakamura, and countless others. Peter’s new book, The Chess Revolution: From the Ancient World to the Digital Age covers everything from the beginnings of chess, to its many representations in pop culture, to the explosion in popularity the game has experienced in the internet age. Peter’s excellent book covers chess from all angles, so we zeroed in on a few of my favorite topics from the book including: the history of chess and computers, recent stories around chess cheating, and their implications for the future of chess, the rise of Chess.com, and the story behind the making of Peter’s book. Every chess fan will learn something from Peter’s book, and I greatly enjoyed discussing it with him. Timestamps of topics discussed are below. 

Click here to Download the Episode

Thanks to our sponsors, Chessable.com. 

Check out their new offerings including GM Garry Kasparov’s much anticipated Chessable debut! If you sign up for Chessable Pro, please use the following link to help support Perpetual Chess:


0:03- We begin by discussing allegations of cheating, directed at GM Kirill Shevchenko, at an OTB tournament

11:00- We discuss OTB and online cheating more generally

16:00- Peter tells a story from his book of the famous Mechanical Turk, which was an 18th-century chess-playing machine with a human hidden behind it. 


21:00- We discuss the famous Kasparov-Deep Blue match as well as another watershed “man vs. machine” match featuring GM Michael Adams. 

Mentioned: The TV series Rematch- more info here:


25:00- Patreon mailbag question: “Where does Peter see chess heading in the next 10 years?’ 

Mentioned: IM Daniel Rensch’s interview with Ilya Levitov


32:00- Peter tells the story of what he believes to be the first online encounter between Magnus and Hikaru in 2004 on the Internet Chess Club. We also discuss a “Secret” Magnus-Hikaru blitz match. 

Mentioned: YouTube excerpt from Macauley Peterson


37:00- The history of Chess.com and LiChess 

Mentioned: Lichess founder Thibault Duplessis

39:00- We discuss the chess GOATS- Magnus, Fischer and Kasparov. As discussed in last week’s episode, with FM Charles Hertan, did he consider Morphy for the GOAT list? 

44:00- What was the biggest challenge in writing the book and compiling the material?

52:00- How did Peter find a publisher that ultimately wound up in a bidding war?

58:00- Did Peter write in English or Dutch?

1:00:00- Peter’s favorite chapters? 

1:02:00- Peter’s plans for an OTB comeback. 

1:04:00- Thanks to Peter for joining! Here is how to reach him:

You email Peter at Peter at chess dot com


Chess.com profile-


Get the book here- 


EP 405- Author, FM Charles Hertan on How Paul Morphy went from Unrated to Unbeatable, plus Reflections on His Classic Book, Forcing Chess Moves 

This week’s guest is renowned author and 2-time Massachusetts state champion, FM Charles Hertan. Charles’ new book, The Real Paul Morphy takes an all-encompassing look at the complex legacy of Paul Morphy. Morphy is widely regarded as the best player of the 19th century, yet still might be underappreciated. What made Morphy’s play so special?  Why isn’t he mentioned more often in the chess G.O.A.T. conversations? What led to his mental health struggles and early chess retirement? In addition to discussing Paul Morphy, we talk about why Charles’ playing career. He reviews why he retired from OTB chess near a peak rating of 2500 USCF, and Charles shares chess improvement advice from his classic tactics manual, Forcing Chess Moves. As always, approximate timestamps of topics discussed can be found below. 

Click here to Download the Episode

Chessable Pro- 

Thanks to our sponsors, Chessable.com. 

Check out their new offerings including GM Garry Kasparov’s much anticipated Chessable debut! If you sign up for Chessable Pro, please use the following link to help support Perpetual Chess:


0:00- We dive right into Charles’ new book, The Real Paul Morphy. How did Morphy get so good so fast? What differentiated his skills?

Purchase the book and access a free preview from New in Chess here:


10:00- Patreon mailbag question: “What was Morphy’s approach to chess improvement?”

17:00- Does Charles have a favorite story that is illustrative of Morphy’s genius?

22:00-  Patreon mailbag question: “Why is Morphy often overlooked in GOAT conversations?”

28:00- Why didn’t Morphy’s brilliant chess skills translate to other domains? 

31:00- Did Charles discover any new details about the famed “Opera game”? 

Mentioned: Edward Winter article on this game..


35:00- Patreon mailbag question: ‘How does Charles’ book differ from the famous 1976 biography Paul Morphy: The Pride and Sorrow of Chess?”

43:00- We discuss some of the chess improvement lessons from Charles’ classic book, Forcing Chess Moves

54:00- Patreon mailbag question: “When solving tactics puzzles, should one look at their opponents forcing moves before considering their own?” 

1:00:00- Charles peaked with a USCF Rating over 2500. What led to his retiring from OTB chess at age 39? 

1:08:00- We return to the topic of Morphy- What led to his unfortunate mental health issues in his later years? As a mental health professional, what does Charles think afflicted Morphy?

1:18:00- Given Morphy and Fischer’s mental health issues, does he think there is a correlation between genius and mental illness?

1:19:00- What was Morphy’s social life like? 

1:22:00- Does Charles have a favorite game of Morphy’s? 

Morphy vs. Lowenthal match-


1:22:00- Thanks so much to Charles for joining me, you can reach him via Facebook:


If you would like to help support Perpetual Chess via Patreon, you can do so here:


EP 404- IM Kostya Kavutskiy- His renewed Quest for GM, An Olympiad Trip Report, plus Chess Improvement Questions Answered 

This week’s returning guest is ChessDojo co-founder, IM Kostya Kavutskiy. Kostya joined me after returning from a busy summer of chess travel in Europe. Kostya has recently redoubled his efforts to earn the Grandmaster title, and has been competing OTB frequently. He also attended the Olympiad and gave a fascinating first-hand perspective of what it was like to be in Budapest. Kostya has been writing about both his GM quest and the Olympiad on his recently launched blog, Kostya goes for GM. As an experienced trainer, and Chessable Author, Kostya is always insightful on the challenges of chess improvement, both his own, and that of the Chess Dojo members across the rating spectrum. With that in mind, we began the conversation by discussing the challenges Kostya is facing, as well as those from some podcast listeners. 

After 30+ minutes of chess improvement talk we discussed the Olympiad, what is new with the ChessDojo, and even a forthcoming book. As always, timestamps of topics discussed are below. 

Click here to Download the Episode

0:00-  Thanks to our sponsors, Chessable.com. 

Check out their new offerings including GM Garry Kasparov’s much anticipated Chessable debut! If you sign up for Chessable Pro, please use the following link to help support Perpetual Chess:


02:00- Why did Kostya decide to redouble his efforts to earn the GM title and start a blog about it?


Kostya goes for GM

Kostya’s interview with Chessbase India:


06:00- Are the changes in the FIDE rating system noticeable yet? 

11:00- Kostya recently played a few tournaments in Europe. What did he learn from them?

18:00- Patreon mailbag question: “Is there a correlation between solving easy puzzles quickly and solving more challenging ones?” 

21:00- What is new with the Chessdojo? 

26:00- Patreon mailbag question:  “Is there still room for classic chess books like The Art of Attack in Chess?” 





29:00- Is Kostya taking inspiration from Levy’s GM quest? 

36:00- Kostya reflects on his visiting the Olympiad. 


Kostya’s blog post about the Olympiad:


52:00- Kostya discusses a forthcoming Chess Dojo book. 

54:00- Thanks as always to Kostya for joining.  You can find him via Chessdojo as well as his own social media accounts. 






ChessDojo YouTube- 


If  you would like to help support Perpetual Chess via Patreon, you can do so here: 


EP 403- IM-Elect Selim Citak on How a Spontaneous Decision to Return to OTB Chess Led to Him Earning the IM Title at Age 39

“Coming back to classical chess was the best decision of my life,” Selim said.  IM-elect Selim Citak came out of semi-retirement on a whim a few years ago, needing one more norm and some more FIDE rating points, in order to earn the IM title. Selim quickly discovered that adjustments were necessary, as his rating plummeted from over 2300 to 2150 while he grappled with the stronger new generation of chess players. Through hard work, sacrifice, and psychological adjustments, Selim turned things around and gained the 250 FIDE points and final norm necessary to earn the IM title at age 39! In our conversation, Selim shares his remarkable story, along with plenty of chess improvement advice. Selim is very active in the Turkish chess scene as an author, Chessable author and commentator.  He joined me just after attending the Olympiad as a second to young star GM Yagiz Erdogmus. Selim also shared what makes GM Ediz Gurel and him such special talents, and why Turkey is a potential rising chess power. This was an inspiring conversation of personal chess revival, so be sure to tune in. 

Click here to Download the Episode

0:00-  Thanks to our sponsors, Chessable.com. 

Check out their new offerings from GM Sam Shankland, GM Maurice Ashley, and many others. If you sign up for Chessable Pro, be sure to use this link:


1:30- IM-elect Selim Citak joins me: He discusses his chess origins and reasons for his  return to tournament chess in 2022. 

Mentioned: GM Suat Atalik, GM Mikhail Gurevich

Selim’s FIDE graph:


22:00- Selim describes his study routine

Mentioned: GM Evgeny Romanov 

28:00- Selim’s approach to openings 

35:00- Selim’s study routine, and how he pays for the expenses 

Mentioned: Sorcerer’s Apprentice by GM David Bronstein 

43:00- Does Selim play a lot of online chess? 

49:00- Selim’s next goals

53:00- Selim helped GM Erdogmus at the Olympiad. He reflects on the experience and Turkey’s status as a potential future chess powerhouse. 

Mentioned: GM Ediz Gurel, GM Yağız Erdoğmuş

1:10:00- Selim’s advice for getting unstuck. 

EP 402- GM Axel Smith on Draw Offers, Managing the Clock, and the Return of the Woodpecker Method.

This week’s returning guest is the renowned author, Chessable author and trainer, GM Axel Smith. Axel, of course is best known for the groundbreaking tactics manual, The Woodpecker Method, and is finally releasing its much-anticipated sequel, The Woodpecker Method 2: Positional Play.  While the first Woodpecker volume focused on tactics, this one helps readers learn critical positional patterns. We discuss the challenges of and logistics behind selecting over 1000 positional puzzles. We also have a wide-ranging discussion about Axel’s latest thoughts about chess improvement, a topic he has covered in excellent books like Pump Up Your Rating and Street Smart Chess. We touch on how Axel’s chess goals have evolved, now that he has a family, his advice regarding offering draws, and even the parallels between trying to improve at distance running and at chess. As always links of topics referenced are below. 

 Click here to Download the Episode

Book available from Quality Chess and Forward Chess, coming soon to Chessable 


PDF Sample of the book:


Forward Chess:


02:00-  GM Axel Smith joins the show. Was it challenging to make a compilation of “positional puzzles?”

Mentioned: GMs Christopher Yoo, Renier Castellanos, Sam Shankland, Nordirbek Abdusattorov 

Simple Chess, Winning Chess Strategies, The Power of Pawns 

14:00-  Patreon mailbag question: “When will Woodpecker 2 be available on Chessable?” 

Mentioned: FM Nate Solon’s post, Woodpecker Revisited


Check out the app of our new sponsor Chess Universe in your app store. 


22:00- We revisit some of the most memorable chess improvement advice from Axel’s classic book Pump Up Your Rating. What advice would he change? 

Mentioned: My Chessable course, Identifying Critical Moments in Chess


31:00- Axel quit his job to focus on distance running training, and runs 20 Kilometers a day. We discuss his training regimen

38:00- Returning to chess, we discuss Axel’s philosophy regarding draw offers. 

40:00- Has the success of The Woodpecker Method changed Axel’s life?

43:00- Why does Axel think adults often struggle to improve? 

47:00- Has Axel’s overall improvement philosophy changed since Pump Up Your Rating?

48:00- Thanks to Axel for joining us again.  You can keep up with his work via Chessable and Quality Chess. 




EP 401- Sam Kahn: Advice for Taming Chess Degeneracy and The Lessons We Can Learn from Past Chess Greats

Sam Kahn is a writer and film producer by day with a passion for chess, and particularly, the lessons we can learn from chess history. Sam is especially fascinated by the distinct chess styles that one can see by playing through the games of prior greats like Lasker, Pillsbury and Capablanca. He writes about the lessons we can learn from these players in his excellent new collaboration with IM Cyrus Lakdawala, A Century of Chess Book 1: 1900-1909. Of course, before Sam became consumed by chess history, he obsessively focused on his own game. Sam has his share of stories from all-nighters at NYC chess dens, and reflects on how he achieved the 2100 USCF level, and why he thinks it will be challenging to reach a highe level.  Based on his own experiences, Sam also shares tips for navigating the narrow path from “degenerate” chess obsessive to healthy chess hobbyist. As an avid reader of Sam’s blogs (both chess and non-chess), I was excited to hear him reflect on his chess story. Timestamps of topics discussed are below. 

Click here to Download the Episode

Check out the app of our new sponsors Chess Universe in your app store. 


0:02- What makes some chess players better than ourselves?

Mentioned: Sam’s post My Insane, Degenerate, Overpowering Chess Hobby


0:07- Has AI changed the romanticism of players representing competing schools of thought? 

11:30- As a 2100 level player, why is Sam dismissive of his own chess abilities? 

Mentioned: Edward Winter’s post about the famous quote “Chess is a sea in which a gnat may drink and an elephant may bathe.”


16:00- Why does Sam call legendary NYC IM Jay Bonin his “White Whale”?

18:00- What does Sam think are the best ways to improve at chess? 

24:00- Thanks to our sponsors:

Check out new Chessable courses by me, GM Nils Grandelius, and GM Sam Shankland- if you sign up for Chessable Pro, be sure to use this link:


25:00- What is the story behind Sam’s chess history blog being turned into a book? 

Mentioned: Colin Stapcynzcki

A Century of Chess Book 1: 1900-1909, IM Cyrus Lakdawala 

33:00- Who is Sam’s favorite chess player covered in the book?

Mentioned: Lasker, Maroczy, Pillsbury 

38:00- How does Sam ascertain the stylistic tendencies of historical chess players? 

Mentioned: Nimzowitsch, Janowski, New in Chess Podcast with GM Tiger Hillarp Persson


48:00- Is there much overlap between Sam’s non-chess blog and his chess blog? 


55:00- Sam’s advice for finding a balanced approach to chess. 

57:00- In his late 30s, is Sam too old to make the  master level? 

Mentioned: Episode 400 with NM Matt Gross

1:03:00- Sam’s favorite chess history writers:

Mentioned: Richard Reti’s Masters of the Chessboard, Irving Chernev, GM Andy Soltis, My Great Predecessor’s, On the Origin of Good Moves by IM Willy Hendriks, Ink Wars by IM Willy Hendriks 

1:09:00- Thanks to Sam for joining.   Here is how you can check out his work.  


A Century of Chess Book 1: 1900-1909,

Chess.com History Blog-


Non-Chess Blog-


Olympiad Bonus Pod- Mr. Dodgy on the Atmosphere, Controversies and Notable Stories so far from Budapest

As the FIDE Chess Olympiad enters the homestretch, it has been as entertaining as ever. It is hard to keep up with all of the emerging storylines, but Chessable's Mr. Dodgy joined me from Budapest to discuss a few, as well as to describe the atmosphere in Budapest and at the playing hall. Topics covered include: the cell phone camera controversy, GM Ding Liren's disappointing performance, India's dominance, and the inspiring story of Eman Sawan. You can find links to all of the stories referenced below. I hope you all enjoy the rest of the tournament!

Click here to download the Episode

0:00- Welcome 

3:00- How Budapest compares to the 2022 Chennai Olympiad 

5:55- The Women in Chess Foundation

08:56- The Kramnik camera phone controversy 

12:00- GM Ding Liren’s uninspiring performance at the tournament 

15:00- Final thoughts: Is India inevitable? 

Links referenced:

Find out more about the phone in the playing hall controversy here:


Chessbase India shorts:


Check out FM Mike Klein’s interview with Palestinian star performer Eman Sawan here:


Magnus arrival by bicycle to an early round:


GM Peter Svidler’s Ding Liren comment:


Thanks to Mr. Dodgy for joining, Check out the Women in Chess Foundation here:


Thanks to Mr. Doodgy for joining, Check out the Women in Chess Foundation here:


EP 400- Adult Improver NM Matt Gross- How Studying Model Games and Improving Intuition Helped Him Become an NM at Age 48 

The Adult Improver series returns to Perpetual Chess to spotlight another accomplished amateur. This week we are joined by 48-year-old data scientist, NM Matt Gross. Matt returned to tournament chess after a 17-year hiatus with a mission to earn the USCF Master title. With a 2140 rating, Matt did not need to earn so many additional points to reach his goal, but he found that the game had evolved and competition was much tougher in 2021 than in had been in  2004. Matt could no longer rely on outcalculating his opponents and playing dodgy openings, He soon realized that  he would need to revamp his entire chess game. He decided to focus on building a solid repertoire, and, most of all,to work assiduously to improve his chess intuition.  Matt’s mission to make NM took a few years, but he managed to earn the title in 2023, possibly making him one of the oldest players to earn the NM title in the past few years. Our conversation is about how he went about this.  In addition to the insights from this conversation, Matt also shares a treasure trove of advice and resources on his blog, Movelibrary. Thanks to Matt for sharing his inspiring story! 

Click here to download the Episode


0:00- Thanks to Perpetual Chess Patreon subs for helping to support the podcast! If you would like to join the community, you can do so here:


0:00- Thanks to our sponsors:

Check out new Chessable courses by me, GM Nils Grandelius, and GM Sam Shankland- if you sign up for Chessable Pro, be sure to use this link:


0:02- NM Matt Gross joins the podcast and discusses how he got back into chess during the pandemic after 17 years away. 

Mentioned: GM Gata Kamsky’s Twitch stream 

0:08- Why did Matt think he would need to revamp his game after a 17-year hiatus? 

Mentioned: Matt’s “TLDR” post is here:


14:00- Why did Matt decide to focus on studying model games and working to improve his intuition? 

22:00- Check out the app of our new sponsors Chess Universe in your app store. 


23:00- Patreon mailbag question: “Many GMs have suggested that calculation is the great differentiator between masters and club players, so why focus on intuition rather than calculation?” 

32:00- What surprised Matt in coming back to tournaments for the first time in 17 years? 

Mentioned: GM Naroditsky series The Blitz Chess Manifesto


45:00- Matt’s favorite content creators and books

Mentioned: GM John Nunn, Zurich 1953, Fire on Board, GM Hikaru Nakamura, The ChessDojo 

47:00- How does Matt approach online play? 

48:00- How much time does Matt spend reviewing his games?

51:00- How did it feel for Matt to achieve his goal and reach the ranking of  USCF Master? 

55:00- How does Matt prepare openings for common opponents? 

Mentioned: NM Peter MInear, NM Matt O’Brien 

56:00- Matt’s improvement advice for lower-rated players. 

EP 399- GM Tiger Hillarp Persson: The 2x Swedish Champion, Author & Go Master Shares a Life’s Worth of Wisdom on How to Improve at Complex Games

This week I am honored to be joined by author, trainer, and 2 time Swedish National Champion, GM Tiger Hillarp Persson. Tiger has a unique background for a GM, as at the age of 26, when  he was not yet an IM, he decided to pursue chess professionally nonetheless. From there he made rapid progress and has been an active player ever since. But Tiger is equally passionate about another complex game, Go, which he started playing at the age of 40. He has become a master-level player, and has represented his native Sweden in international Go tournaments as well. In our conversation, Tiger discusses the challenges and rewards of improving at both games, and why he thinks substantial improvement is possible at both if one is honest with oneself and works hard. We also discuss Tiger’s fantastic new book, Tiger’s Chaos Theory. The book deconstructs and gives vocabulary to some uncommon and important patterns and situations in chess, and is a pleasure to read. I found this conversation very insightful, and I trust that you will as well. Timestamps of topics discussed are below. 

Click here to Download the Episode

Thanks to our sponsors:

Check out new Chessable courses by me, GM Nils Grandelius, and GM Sam Shankland- if you sign up for Chessable Pro, be sure to use this link:


Check out the app of our new sponsors Chess Universe in your app store. 


0:02- GM Tiger Hillarp Persson joins the pod. We begin by discussing why Tiger decided to devote himself fully to chess at age 26, when he was not even an IM at that point.

Mentioned: Karpov-Miles 1980, The Soviet Chess Conveyor by Shereshevsky 

18:00- What has pursuing excellence at Go taught Tiger about chess improvement? 


Check out Tiger’s blog here:


Ivanchuk-Van Foreest 2022:


37:00- Patreon mailbag question: “Does Tiger play unorthodox openings in Go as well? “

42:00- Tiger discusses the study method of trying to imitate the play of a player whose style you admire, as he did for Karpov. 

48:00- Patreon mailbag question: “Have computers been a blessing or a curse for chess?”

52:00- Patreon mailbag question: “What is Tiger’s advice for lower rated players for assessing sacrifices?” 

Mentioned: The Art of Sacrifice by Rudolph Spielman 

56:00- Tiger’s other favorite chess books

Mentioned: Under the Surface by GM Jan Markos 

59:00- What is a hecatomb?

1:00:00- Tiger’s favorite tournament memories 

Mentioned: GM Jonathan Rowson, GM Peter Heine Nielsen, GM Lembit Oll 

1:05:00- Tiger is playing on the Swedish team at the Olympiad. How does he prepare? 

1:10:00- Tiger discusses his most famous win, an amazing game against GM Peter Hiene Nielsen 


1:12:00- Thanks to Tiger for joining me! Here are links to check out his book:


Free preview from Quality Chess:


Forward Chess:




EP 398- FIDE Olympiad preview with GM Jonathan Speelman: Magnus, Medal Chases & Prodigies in Action 

The 2024 FIDE Chess Olympiad begins September 11, 2024 in Budapest, and it will feature many of the world’s top players. It is always a fun tournament for players and fans alike, with its unique format and the opportunity for players to represent their country. Joining me to help preview this year’s edition is 14- time British Chess Olympian, author, and three-time British champion, GM Jonathan Speelman. Before Jon joins me, I discuss storylines I am excited for, including Magnus’ return to classical chess, a star-studded Indian team, and the Olympiad debut of a young British star. At the 14 minute mark, GM Speelman joins me to share some of his own Olympiad memories, as well as to give us his thoughts on this year’s edition. The Olympiad is always one of my favorite tournaments to follow, and you can be sure that Perpetual Chess will be following and covering this year’s edition in detail. Timestamps of topics discussed are below. 

Click here to Download the Episode

Check out the app of our new sponsors Chess Universe in your app store. 


0:12:00- Ten storylines I am excited for the in the Olympiad

Mentioned: You can see the Olympiad rosters.

Thanks to our longtime sponsors, Chessable.com! 

If you sign up for Chessable pro, please use the following link to help support Perpetual Chess:


14:00- GM Jonathan Speelman joins me and reflects on his Olympiad experiences as a player and trainer. 


Kasparov-Speelman 1980 


36:00- Jon shares his thoughts on this year’s Olympiad. 



55:00- Jon reminisces about the 1988 Olympiad, the young Polgar sisters, and “Grandmaster Clash.”

Check out Grandmaster Clash here:

Grandmaster Clash - 28th Chess Olympiad 1988 with Stephen Fry

1:00- Predictions? 

1:00- Thanks, as always to GM Speelman for joining me.  You can subscribe to this Twitch channel here: 


1:02- If you would like to help support Perpetual Chess via Patreon, you can do so here:


BONUS POD- Hans vs. Magnus Speed Chess Championship Preview with GM Ben Finegold

On September 6, almost two years to the day after their fateful game at the Sinquefield Cup, Magnus Carlsen and Hans Niemann will meet at Chess.com’s Speed Chess Championship. They will play in front of an audience in Paris, France.  Joining me to discuss the history of this feud, and the details of this match is popular commentator, YouTuber and Twitch streamer GM Ben Finegold. Does Hans have a chance given his impressive play lately? Since Magnus has been refusing to play Niemann, is there a chance that Magnus won’t show up to the match? What openings might we expect?  We dive into these questions and many more in our conversation. 

Click here to Download the Episode

All the information you need about the match is here:


Thanks to our sponsors Chessable.com! Check out my new course here, Identifying Critical Moments in Chess, here:


1:30- Hans has been on a massive heater and has cracked the top 20 in Classical for the first time.  Can he actually win? 

5:00- Does Ben agree with Hikaru that Magnus has a particular edge in bullet?

Mentioned: Hikaru on Hans-Magnus in Paris


7:30- Should we expect Hans’ ascent to continue?

11:00- Ben’s thoughts on Hans’ recent interview with GM Daniel Naroditsky


25:00- Where is the prize money for Hans’ tour coming from? 

Mentioned: Hans tweet


26:00- We discuss IM Daniel Rensch’s response to Hans’ recent interview


32:00- Predictions

If you would like to help support Perpetual Chess via Patreon, you can do so here:https://www.patreon.com/perpetualchess 

EP 397- JulesGambit on What Fueled a Rapid Rating Rise, the Story Behind the Botez Chess Camp, and Why She Thinks Chess is no Longer Uncool

JulesGambit is a popular Twitch streamer and YouTuber who rediscovered chess while at university and has seen rapid growth in her rating and her online following. Jules joined me shortly after competing in the BotezChessCamp, a unique tournament where she lived in a house with other female chess stars, like the Botezes and Anna Cramling, and competed in a tournament. Jules was the lowest-rated entrant, but gained rating and drew two time US Women’s Champ Jennifer Yu in a classical game. This incredible result comes on the heels of a two year period where she has taken her rating from 1000 USCF to around 1800. In our conversation, we discuss the keys to Jules’ progress, the story behind the BotezChessCamp and what Jules plans to study next as she turns her attention to chess full-time. Jules is quick to credit many well-known chess players for helping fuel her growth as chess player, student and presenter. It was inspiring to hear someone so motivated to continue her chess growth. 

Click here to Download the Episode

Thanks to our sponsors Chessable.com. My new course, Identifying Critical Moments in Chess is one of the many new offerings worth checking out. 

If you sign up for Chessable pro, please use the following link to help support Perpetual Chess:


2:00- Jules joins the show. We being by discussing her recent experience at the BotezChessCamp 

Mentioned: Alexandra Botez, WGM Dina Belenkaya, Jules video:  “I went on a date with Andrea Botez” 


Check out Jules’ game with Jennifer Yu here:


18:00- How did Jules get back into chess during college? What led to Jules’ rapid rating progress in the past two years?

Mentioned: How I went from 900 to 1700 in one year:


Coffee Chess YouTube 

28:00- What did Jules’ college friends think of her chess streaming?

31:00- Why is Jules switching from emphasizing Twitch streaming to YouTube?

37:00- Why did Jules quit chess as a kid?

44:00- How do people respond to Jules’ interest in chess on dating apps? 

46:30- What are Jules’ next chess goals? What is she currently studying?

Mentioned: Positional Decision Making in Chess. Endgame Studies 101, Forcing Chess Moves 

55:00- What was the highlight of going to a camp at Charlotte Chess Center with GMs R.B. Ramesh, Judit Polgar, and Veselin Topalov?

58:00- How did Jules manage to write her thesis about chess? What was the conclusion of her research regarding geographic distribution of 2600+ players?

Mentioned: GM David Brodsky 

1:00:00- Thanks to Jules for joining! Here is how to keep up with her!








EP 396- GM Pontus Carlsson- Advice for Remembering Openings, early Magnus memories, the FIDE World Rapid & Blitz in New York and much more.

GM Pontus Carlsson is a Grandmaster, trainer, entrepreneur, and the founder of the non-profit Business Meets Chess & Kids. Pontus is always forthright and entertaining, and in his third visit to the podcast, we  caught up on chess topics including: 

  • The unique stress of being World Chess Champion, and Pontus’ thoughts on the upcoming match 

  • Pontus’ advice for helping to remember openings

  • Will Pontus be following the Hans-Magnus speed chess championship match? What happened the first time Pontus encountered an 8 year-old Magnus Carlsen (no relation) at a Scandinavian championship event? 

  • The positives and negatives of the FIDE World Rapid & Blitz occurring in New York this year

We also discussed online chess cheating, the upcoming Olympiad, and an online chess charity event which Pontus will be organizing this weekend, called Chess 2 Change. This is a fun event for amateurs to play in, meet successful chess and business personalities, and is potentially life-changing for the young chess talents who participate in the event. GM Maurice Ashley will be broadcasting this year’s edition on August 25. As is often the case, we covered a wide range of chess stories, so you can check the show notes for timestamps of topics of interest. 

Click here to Download the Episode

Thanks to our sponsors Chessable.com. New courses include offerings by GM R.B. Ramesh and IM Alex Astaneh you sign up for Chessable Pro, please use this link:


Information for the Chess 2 Change event on August 25 is here:


Pontus’ prior interviews: 

Episode 29

Episode 101

02:00- We chat about rating deflation as Pontus reflects on a recent tournament in Bratislava 

7:00- What is Pontus’ current day job?

10:00- Online chess cheating

14:00- The first time Pontus encountered an 8 year-old Magnus Carlsen

18:00- The stress of being World Chess Champion 

20:30- Pontus’ thoughts on the Ding-Gukesh match

24:00- The Olympiad

Mentioned: GM Nils Grandelius, GM Erik Blomqvist, GM Tiger Hillarp Persson, IM Martin Lokander 

29:00- Pontus’ advice for remembering openings 

34- Chess improvement advice for adults 

38:00- Famous “touch-move” controversies involving Hikaru Nakamura and Garry Kasparov 

42:00- The challenges of professional chess for those below the top 10

48:00- More on the upcoming Hans-Magnus match

Watch GM Hans NIemann’s recent interview here:


51:00- World Rapid and Blitz will be in New York

Mentioned: FIDE Press Release here:


1:04:00- Pontus discusses his upcoming charity event, Chess 2 Change

Mentioned: The Gift of Chess, Chess in Slums 

The interview was great fun.

Here come the links that we talked about:

Business Meets Chess & Kids


Chess 2 Change


Our Twitch Channel where the Charity Tournament will be Broadcasted


EP 395- FM Kamil Plichta- Learning from your Rating Peers, Opening Advice for Amateurs, Bullet Chess Tips, & more 

FM Kamil Plichta is a renowned opening theoretician, Chessable author, trainer, and blitz/bullet specialist. In our conversation, Kamil highlights several important chess improvement-related topics: 

  • The value of learning by emulating those slightly higher rated than you 

  • Knowing when to withdraw from a brutal tournament 

  • Advice for choosing openings 

We also chat about Kamil’s pursuit of the IM title, the London System, the English Defence, and much more. It's always fun to talk chess with Kamil, and it had been too long since our previous interview! Timestamps for topics discussed are below. 

Thanks to our sponsors Chessable.com. If you sign up for Chessable Pro, please use this link:


Click here to Download the Episode

0:00- Kamil discusses the value of learning from studying games from the next level up, rather than from Super GM games

Mentioned: Lego Chess 

11:30- Kamil is one norm away from the IM title. How is the journey? 

18:00- Kamil reflects on a recent poor OTB showing. 

32:00- Bullet chess advice! 

35:00- Opening advice for amateurs 

40:00- What is the English Defence?

46:00- How does Kamil use engines?

48:00- Kamil’s recommended line against the London System

51:00- Closing chess advice 

Thanks to Kamil for joining me, here is how to keep up with him.

Kamil’s Chessable Author page:


Follow him on X here:


EP 394- GM Jacob Aagaard-  The Story Behind the Big Chess Publishing Merger, plus his Latest Thoughts on Ratings, the World Championship Cycle, Chess Improvement, & more

As the co-founder of Quality Chess Books and Killer Chess Training.com, GM Jacob Aagaard is always a busy man. This year, the award-winning author and trainer has been even busier. It was recently announced that his company, Quality Chess Books is acquiring two of the biggest chess publishers (New in Chess Books and Everyman Chess) from Chess.com. Jacob joined me to tell me the story behind these acquisitions, as well as the decision of his co-founder, GM John Shaw to retire. Jacob is always insightful and opinionated about professional chess, so we also got the opportunity to hear his takes on Ding-Gukesh, rating deflation, and IM Levy Rozman’s quest for the GM title, among other topics. As always, Jacob was very generous with his time, and you can find timestamps of topics discussed below. 

Click here to download the episode

Jacob’s prior appearances on Perpetual Chess: 

Episode 111

Episode 166 (with GM R.B. Ramesh)

Episode 296

Bonus pod on the Carlsen-Niemann scandal

Thanks to our sponsors Chessable.com. Be sure to check out new courses by GM Raven Sturt (with Simon Williams) and CM Can Kabadayi. 

If you sign up for Chessable Pro, please use this link:


0:03- What events led to Quality Chess Books acquiring New in Chess Books and Everyman Chess? 

Mentioned: GM John Shaw, IM Dmitry Schneider, GM Matthew Sadler, Silicon Road YouTube Channel:


Also Mentioned: Remmelt Otten

28:00- Patreon mailbag question: “Does Jacob think chess book sales will grow over the next 10 years?” 

32:00- Patreon mailbag question: ”Will Everyman continue its “Starting Out” series?” 

36:00-Jacob discusses the future of “New in Chess” magazine

Mentioned: FM Nate Solon

44:00  Patreon mailbag question: Should beginner to intermediate players focus on challenging puzzles or basic pattern recognition? 

Mentioned: 100 Tactical Patterns You Must Know, 100 Tactical Patterns You Must Know  Workbook

54:00- Jacob discusses the story of his friend and colleague GM Renier Castellanos attaining GM in his 40’s.

Mentioned: Perpetual Chess Episode 379 with GM Renier Castellanos 

58:00- Does Jacob think Gotham Chess can make GM? 

1:02:00- The raging feud between GM Jan Gustafsson and Jacob Aagaard continues!

Mentioned: Prior comments here:


1:03:00- What does Jacob think of rating deflation?

1:11:00- Jacob’s thoughts on the World Championship match

1:20:00- Does Jacob think someone from the younger generation could become a dominant World Champion?

1:24:00- GM Sam Shankland update

1:26:00- Books we are excited for:

Tiger’s Chaos Theory, The Woodpecker Method 2 

1:30:00- Thanks to Jacob, as always! You can find him at Killer Chess Training:


Or follow him on X here:


EP 393- GM Jan Gustafsson on the Candidates, the upcoming World Championship the Olympiad, and his Sicilian Defense Power Rankings

On this week’s Perpetual Chess, the popular and sometimes entertaining GM Jan Gustafsson returns! Jan, of course, is a popular commentator, Twitch streamer, Chessable author, and renowned opening theoretician. His last visit to the podcast was a mere four months ago, but a lot has changed since then. GM D Gukesh has qualified for the World Championship match, and it has been revealed that Jan worked on GM Ian Nepomniatchtchi’s team. In this interview, Jan reflects on these occurrences and describes what it was like to be in Toronto as a second for the FIDE Candidates. He also looks ahead to the Gukesh-Ding World Championship match, which will take place in November in Singapore. Jan also answers plenty of listener questions on a wide range of topics, including the upcoming Olympiads, the closing of Chess24, the status of the Chicken Chess Club Podcast, and, of course, the openings covered in his new Chessable course, GM Jan Gustafsson Aggressive 1. E4 part 2 (co-authored with CM Vjekoslav Nemec). We covered a ton of topics in this one, but as always, timestamps of topics discussed are below. 

Click here to Download the Episode

Thanks to our sponsors Chessable.com. They have tons of new offerings in addition to Jan’s new course If you sign up for Chessable pro, please use the following link:


0:02- Banter- Bronny James! Should Jan become co-host of Perpetual Chess?

0:05- Actual chess! Jan reflects on working on the prep team of Ian Nepomniachtchi and shares his thoughts on the FIDE Candidates. 

0:14- Jan’s thoughts on the World Championship Match

20:00- How does Jan feel about #chesspunks?

22:00- Donner’s The King and other books

25:00- What was the source of  the reference  to the pawn formation “the bathtub”?

Mentioned: More info on the bathtub here:


25:00- Will Jan do more banter blitz?

27:00- Who are best athlete chess players?

29:00- Which of the players who are rated below 2700 players”the most impressive opening knowledge?

Mentioned: GM Alexey Sarana 

32:00- Patreon mailbag questions: “WHEN WILL THE CHICKEN CHESS CLUB COME BACK?’

34:00- Jan discusses a recent chess/poker event in which he participated.

37:00- Has Jan ever played 1. E4?

39:00- How did Jan choose to cover the Advanced French, the Fantasy variation, and the Open Sicilian in his new Chessable course

44:00- Jan’s top 5 variations of the Sicilian defense

49:00- Are GMs using Jan’s suggested moves from his Chessable courses?

52:00- What are the goals for the German Olympiad team?

54:00- What did Jan think of Germany’s performance in the Euro cup?

57:00- Why doesn’t Germany have any elite chess players?

59:00- Update on Jan’s 1000 game match with his friend  Ettienne

1:01:00- What is the origin story of Chess24?

1:03:00- Jan’s upcoming travels and chess plans 

1:05:00-Jan’s tv recs

Mentioned: Presumed Innocent, The Bear, IM Greg Shahade

1:09:00- Jan’s basketball podcast recommendations

Mentioned: The Rights to Ricky Sanchez, Down to Dunk 

Thanks as always to Jan for joining me! You can follow him on X here:


Or on Twitch here:


If you would like to support Perpetual Chess via Patreon, you can do so here:
