Photo Courtesy of Stacia Pugh
This week on Perpetual Chess, the popular adult improver series makes its triumphant return, with another great guest. I am joined by Stacia Pugh. Stacia has only been playing tournament chess for a few years but has seen her rating rapidly rise to 1777, including a 300 point rise in the past year. What's her story? How did she do it? Stacia joins us to discuss exactly that. Please read on for more details and timestamps.
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0:00- Stacia tells a bit about her background and how she got into chess, and what the chess scene is like in the Cleveland, Ohio chess club.
Mentioned: Progress with Chess
7:00- Has Stacia experienced much sexism in the chess world?
Mentioned: Cornhole
9:30- With a full time job outside of chess, how has Stacia managed to work hard on her game?
13:20- A Patreon supporter of the podcast asks what chess study habit gives Stacia gives her the best ROI? Spoiler: One of Stacia’s secret weapons is flashcards.
Mentioned: IM John Bartholomew, Andrezj Kryzdwa
22:00- Stacia goes into more detail on her daily study routine
Mentioned: GM Ben Finegold, IM John Bartholomew, GM Simon Williams
- Stacia retells how she got into chess, and shares how the male and youth dominated chess world has treated an adult woman. She also discusses how she is managing to turn her love of chess from a hobby into a career.
- She gives tons of study advice, including book recommendations and a discussion of the study habit that she feels helped her chess the most. To see her recommendations and those of all the other Perpetual Chess guests, go here. (and scroll way down)
Stacia even made a list of her top 10 chess improvement tips for Perpetual Chess listeners; it can be found at the bottom of this capsule.
24:30- Stacia evaluates the efficacy of various chess practice methods ranging from Online Blitz, to watching videos to analyzing games.
34:00- Stacia shares her top 10 study tips that she has embraced!
Maintain balance between hard work and passion
Game Analysis - always learn from your mistakes
Work with a coach or stronger player
Tactics book with themes
Teach or explain what you learn (helps solidify)
It's not about rating; it's about learning
Patterns make you better
OTB and community will inspire you and keep your interest
Don't forget end game
Openings choices should be chosen by someone else! (that knows what they're doing)
40:30- Stacia shares her favorite books and improvement resources
Mentioned: Build Up Your Chess (Available on Chessable), Chess Tactics from Scratch, Chess Tactics by Paul Littlewood
43:00- Stacia discusser her change to working full time in chess, working with Progress with Chess, as well as giving a bit more info about playing cornhold professional.
Mentioned: Judit Sztray of Bay Area Chess
54:45- Thanks so much to Stacia for sharing her improvement secrets! Here is how you can keep up with her:
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