EP 356- FIDE Grand Swiss Recap/FIDE Candidates Lookahead plus LiChess Catchup with Community Manager Chris Callahan — The Perpetual Chess Podcast

EP 356- FIDE Grand Swiss Recap/FIDE Candidates Lookahead plus LiChess Catchup with Community Manager Chris Callahan

Photo of IM R. Vaishali and GM Vidit Gujirathi (the winners of the Grand Swisses) by Anna Shtourman via FIDE

Next week’s podcast is arriving early, and it's a double episode! For the first segment, I am joined again by Chessable author and trainer CM Vjekoslav (Vjeko) Nemec. Vjeko and I discuss the riveting, recently concluded FIDE Grand Swiss. India’s ascension continued as GM Vidit Gujirathi and IM R. Vaishali’s had impressive victories in the Open and Women’s Sections respectively. With more spots in the 2024 FIDE Candidates now settled, we also look ahead to what is shaping up to be quite an entertaining fight for the right to challenge for the World Championship titles. Lastly, Vjeko followed this event quite closely, so he recommends several interviews and games from an action-packed tournament for us to check out. 

Following Vjeko, I catch up with Chris Callahan (38:00) about what is new with LiChess.org since our last chat in 2021. Chris reports that LiChess is continuing to see solid growth, and discusses their plans in terms of both community outreach and potential additional features on the website. We also discuss the latest in cheat detection and LiChess’ decision to stop working with US Chess and with the St. Louis Chess Club in the wake of the allegations against GM Alejandro Ramirez. It is always fun to catch up with Chris and hear about what is going on with LiChess. As always, timestamps of the many topics discussed can be found below. 

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Thanks to our presenting chess education sponsors, Chessable.com! Silman’s Endgame Course is now on Chessable and on sale if you act quickly!


0:00- Intro

Up to date information about ordering my book, and events can be found here:

5:00- CM Vjekoslav Nemec joins me to recap the FIDE Grand Swiss 

5:30- Who won and earned Candidates’ spots in the FIDE Grand Swiss? 

More info here

13:00- What can chess do to make more tournaments feel as important as the Grand Swiss and the FIDE World Cup? 

Mentioned: Tarjei Svensen’s article about GM Ding Liren

19:00- What players and personalities stood out in the tournament? 

Mentioned: L’ami-Gujirathi 2023 

Bogdan-Daniel Deac interview with Fiona Stiel-Antoni:

Mishra’s amazing analysis of his win over Ivanchuk:

Sevian’s analysis of his win over Firouzja

 L’ami-Gujirathi 2023 

24:00- Who are the early favorites to win the 2024 Candidates? 

27:00- What stood out from the Women’s section?

Mentioned: GM Pia Cramling, GM Tan Zhonkyi, GM Humpy Koneru 

IM Vaishali’s analysis of her round 3 win over Garifullina

32:00- Early thoughts on the 2024 Women’s Candidates Field 

36:00- Thanks to Vjeko for coming back to talk with us- check out his Twitter page here:

37:00- Chris Callahan joins the pod to talk LiCHess

38:00- How LiChess has changed in recent years?

Mentioned: Episode 221 with Chris Callahan

LiChess game database available for download here:

42:00- How do LiChess blogs work? How is it determined which posts get on the home page? 

Mentioned: FM Nate Solon 

46:00- How do they treat blog posts that are somewhat promotional in nature? 

48:00- What, if any, are the technical upgrades the LiChess team is working on? 

50:00- What are most requested features for LiChess?

52:00- Chris’ discusses the financial situation of LiChess. 

LiChess’ costs spreadsheet here:

54:00- Patreon mailbag question: “Does LiCHess have plans to become a non-profit (501c3) in the US?’ 

57:00- What is the latest on LiChess’ cheat detection efforts?

1:03:00- What went into Lichess’ decision to stop working with US Chess and the St. Louis Chess Club?

Mentioned: Breaking the Silence, Chris’ interview on Ono Another Chess Podcast

St. Louis Chess Club Statement 

1:10:00- Patreon mailbag question: “How can one volunteer with the Women in Chess Foundation?” 

1:13:00- Thanks to Chris for joining the pod! You can email him at chris.callahan at Lichess dot org 
